Friday, February 5, 2010

Get Well Broken Leg How Long Will It Take For A Bird's Broken Leg To Heal Naturally?

How long will it take for a bird's broken leg to heal naturally? - get well broken leg

Ok, my bird has a broken leg in an accident, but it's good food and drink, and even seems to be in pain at all, and it is strong and sharp. So I want to know how long it takes to heal naturally and that the leg is the same? my bird is a bird, had his house because she was a baby, and I for 1 years and some months.

1 comment:

  1. I suggest you get a bird avian veterinarian. You can search your area

    I had two birds with broken legs. Had to be splinted, it can be splinted to the other, because part of the leg broke. I also had a bird once thought he had a broken leg, but in reality he had an infection, which cuts the nerve of sensation in the legs. Therefore, you should need a vet.
